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Writing skill - revising


Replace the highlighted words in the article with these words.

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Writing skill - revisingVersion en ligne

Replace the highlighted words in the article with these words.

par Margarita Araque

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Replace the highlighted words in the article with the words in your right :
I've stayed with several families in Britain and Ireland and each of them has been different . But there are some key things I can pass on about getting the best out of your stay . I hope ( these things ) are useful !
Even though you are a paying guest ( in their home ) , take a small gift for your hosts . You'd expect ( a gift from a guest ) , I'm sure .
( Your stay ) It is not just about learning English . British and Irish people will expect you to show an interest in ( British and Irish ) culture .
Take some photos from home so you can talk to your hosts about ( the photos ) them . ( Taking the photos ) will also give you more opportunities to actually speak English too .
You're not a tourist , so don't behave like ( a tourist ) . Your host family will be getting on with normal life . ( Normal life ) is what you are there to experience !
And finally , remember the importance of being punctual ( two o'clock means two o'clock ! ) , polite ( be careful with expressions you've picked up from pop music and movies ! ) and sociable ( join in with things ? at least the first time ) .

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