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Lesson 1.6_Understanding Redshifts and Blueshifts in Astronomy


Learn how to determine the movement of celestial objects using red and blue shifts.

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Lesson 1.6_Understanding Redshifts and Blueshifts in AstronomyVersion en ligne

Learn how to determine the movement of celestial objects using red and blue shifts.

par Eric D Norman

Introduction to Redshifts and Blueshifts

In astronomy, redshifts and blueshifts are crucial for understanding the movement of celestial objects.

These phenomena occur due to the Doppler effect, which describes how the wavelength of light changes based on the relative motion of the source and observer.


What is Redshift?

Redshift occurs when a celestial object is moving away from the observer. This results in:

  • Light waves being stretched
  • Longer wavelengths
  • A shift towards the red end of the spectrum

Redshift is often used to measure the speed of galaxies moving away from us.


What is Blueshift?

Blueshift happens when a celestial object is moving towards the observer. This causes:

  • Light waves being compressed
  • Shorter wavelengths
  • A shift towards the blue end of the spectrum

Blueshift is typically observed in objects like stars that are approaching us.


The Doppler Effect Explained

The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer moving relative to the wave source. In astronomy:

  • When a star moves away, its light shifts to longer wavelengths (redshift).
  • When a star moves closer, its light shifts to shorter wavelengths (blueshift).
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