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First conditional in films

Video Quiz

Watch each video segment. Read the first half of each first conditional sentence and choose the correct second half.

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First conditional in filmsVersion en ligne

Watch each video segment. Read the first half of each first conditional sentence and choose the correct second half.

par Renata Isabel Contreras Silva

1. Hades will murder Panic and Pain...

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2. If Hercules can demonstrate that he is a real hero on Earth...

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3. If Hercules doesn't become a real hero...

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4. If the faun Phil doesn't help Hercules...

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If the FBI agents don´t have a warrent..

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6. If the teacher Agatha Trunchbull doesn't leave the town,...

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7. If Merida offers her mother a cake,...

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"Hades is going to kills us when he finds out what happened". "You mean, if he finds out". "Of course, he's going to f... 'If'... 'if' is good."

HERCULES: And you can't do a thing? ZEUS: I can't Hercules, but you can. HERCULES: Really? What? I'll do anything. ZEUS: Hercules, if you can prove yourself a true hero on Earth, your godhood will be restored. HERCULES: A true hero. Great!

PHIL: I'm too old to get mixed up in this stuff again. HERCULES: But if I don't become a true hero, I'll never be able to rejoin my father, Zeus. PHIL: Hold it! Zeus if your father, right? HERCULES: Uh-huh. PHIL: Zeus, the big guy... is your daddy. Ha, ha, ha!

MEGARA: Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me. It's about him. If you don't help him now, Phil, he'll die.

FBI AGENT: Aren't you supposed to be in school, young lady? MATILDA: I really hope you have a search warrant. According to a constitutional law book that I read in the library, if you don't have one, you could lose your job or even go to federal prison.

SCHOOLCHILDREN: ... and her money. Then get out of town. If you don't, I will get you. I will get you like you got me. That is a promise.

MERIDA: Uh... a cake? THE WITCH: You don’t want it? MERIDA: Yes! I want it! You’re sure if I give this to my mom, it will change my fate? THE WITCH: Oh, trust me!

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