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Household Chores


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Household ChoresVersion en ligne

Read the text and complete the blank spaces with the correct information.

par Jorge Gomez

oughtto oughtto should hadbetter oughtto should oughtto oughtto oughtto hadbetter

Everyone in my family contribute to keeping order in our house . My parents assign chores to my brother Joe and me . We do these tasks every day . Sometimes if one of us is busy and can't do a chore , the other one may take care of it . For example , last Friday it was Joe's turn to wash the dishes after dinner . He said he couldn't wash them because he had to hurry to school for a basketball game . Joe asked me , " Will you do the dishes for me , please ? I promise to do them for you tomorrow when it's your turn . I get to school for the game . " I reluctantly agreed to do Joe's chore and washed the dishes after dinner . But the next night , Joe " forgot " that we had traded days . When I reminded him to
wash the dishes , he said , " Who , me ? It's not my turn . You do the dishes tonight . It's your turn . "
I think I write our agreement down when I do my brother Joe's chores , and I give him a copy of the agreement . Joe has a short memory , especially if he has to wash dishes or take out the trash . I write everything down . In fact , I write out a weekly schedule . Then , we could write our names in and change assignments if necessary . That solve the problem . I remember to do that or he might " forget " to do the chores again .

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