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Lesson 1.2 Understanding the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram


Explore the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram and its significance in stellar classification.

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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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Lesson 1.2 Understanding the Hertzsprung-Russell DiagramVersion en ligne

Explore the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram and its significance in stellar classification.

par Eric D Norman

Introduction to the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, often abbreviated as H-R Diagram, is a pivotal tool in astronomy used to classify stars based on their luminosity, color, and temperature.


Axes of the H-R Diagram

The H-R Diagram features two axes:

  • X-axis: Represents the temperature of stars, typically measured in Kelvin, decreasing from left to right.
  • Y-axis: Represents the luminosity of stars, often expressed in terms of the Sun's luminosity.

Main Regions of the H-R Diagram

The H-R Diagram is divided into several key regions:

  • Main Sequence: Diagonal band where most stars, including the Sun, reside.
  • Giants: Located above the main sequence, these stars are larger and more luminous.
  • Supergiants: Extremely bright and massive stars found at the top of the diagram.
  • White Dwarfs: Small, dense remnants of stars located in the lower left corner.

Stellar Evolution and the H-R Diagram

The H-R Diagram illustrates the life cycle of stars. As stars evolve, they move across the diagram:

  • Stars begin on the main sequence.
  • They expand into giants or supergiants as they exhaust their nuclear fuel.
  • Eventually, they may shed their outer layers, becoming white dwarfs.

Color and Temperature Correlation

There is a direct correlation between a star's color and its temperature:

  • Blue Stars: Hotter, with temperatures exceeding 30,000 K.
  • Yellow Stars: Moderate temperatures, like our Sun, around 5,800 K.
  • Red Stars: Cooler, with temperatures below 3,500 K.

Categories of Stars

  • Main Sequence Stars
  • Nuclear Fusion Occurs
  • Production of helium from fusion of hydrogen
  • Red Giants
  • Hydrogen runs out and Helium fusion begins
  • When iron is produced, it shed its core and becomes a planetary nebula
  • Red Supergiants
  • When hydrogen runs out and iron produced the star goes Supernova
  • Supernova
  • Supernovas are found at the top right left corner of the HR diagram (Super bright and Super hot)
  • Supernovas lead to the production of heavy metals
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