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4.5. Main characteristics of the First World War


What were the main characteristics of the First World War?

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4.5. Main characteristics of the First World WarVersion en ligne

What were the main characteristics of the First World War?

par Plácido Romero Sanjuán

bombard submarine Technological development employed machine weapons mustard invention difficult masks supplies

advancements led to the of new . These included grenades , flamethrowers and guns . Chemical warfare was such as the use of gas . The only form of defence against this was gas . The of tanks allowed armies to move through terrain and war planes were used for the first time ever to the enemy . Germany also introduced the effective strategy of warfare , particularly against the British Empire , by torpedoing and sinking ships carrying and weapons .


thousands perished actions mobilise war millions people addition important manufacturing

It was a total where fighting countries had to all their human and economic resources . Countries recruited of men as thousands and of soldiers on the Western Front for their side to advance just a few meters . In , it also introduced the idea of the home front where the of those at home were as as those fighting on the front line . Food was rationed and all industry focused on products to support the war effor t


passivity independent previously war men working women access needed campaigns

The role of during this war was also very important . Until then , women were mainly defined by and fragility . But as more and more were sent off to , women were to fill their jobs . Advertising started showing women as strong and and capable of tirelessly to help win the war . They were able to enter jobs they were unable to .

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