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Relative pronouns.


A grade 5 level relative pronouns worksheet.

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Relative pronouns.Version en ligne

A grade 5 level relative pronouns worksheet.

par Niko Shirindzi

when which which whom whose that that whose when that where when who where that which which which which which that who that that whose who whom whom that whose which who which where whom

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that describes people , places , animals and things .
We use the words " Who , Whos , Whom , Which , That , Where and When " in order to link two sentences together and give additional information to the noun / subject of that combined sentence !

Who - Refers to people ( subject ) .
The girl who won the spelling bee is my cousin .
She has a husband is a teacher .

Whom - Refers to people ( object ) .
The man whom I met at the store was very friendly .
I have a friend I can always count on for support .

Whose - Indicates possession .
The dog whose tail is wagging belongs to our neighbor .
The student project won the science fair is being awarded a scholarship .

Which - Refers to animals or things .
The animal which was discovered is from Mars .
The book I'm reading is about space exploration .

That - Refers to people , places , animals , or things .
People : The teacher that helped me with my math homework is very patient .
Places : The city that I visited last summer has beautiful parks .
Animals : The animals that escaped the zoo have been found .
Things : The book that I borrowed from the library was fascinating .

Because you can use the word " that " with almost every subject , we can use the combination of " which / that " when talking about people or things .
People : The teacher / helped me with my math homework is very patient .
Places : The city / I visited last summer has beautiful parks .
Animals : The animals / escaped the zoo have been found .
Things : The book / I borrowed from the library was fascinating .

Where - Refers to places .
The park where we had our picnic was beautiful .
He went back to the city he grew up .

When - Refers to times .
I remember the day when we first met .
The day we went to the amusement park is my favorite memory .

The man we met at the party last Friday has a nice car .
The person to I spoke on the phone was very helpful .
The student project won first prize is very talented .
The teacher inspired me the most retired last year .
The individual was introduced to me was pleasant .
The cat paw was injured is recovering well .
The movie / we watched last night was exciting .
The cake / my mom baked for my birthday was delicious .
The beach we spent our vacation is in Florida .
The moment the fireworks started was magical .
The doctor treated me was very kind and patient .
The artist everyone admires will be at the gallery opening .
The teacher students passed their grades , also received an award .
The computer / I use for work has been stolen .
The house / we're moving into needs some repairs .
The restaurant we had dinner serves amazing Italian food .
I cannot remember the homework project is due .

Adjectives describe people , places , animals and things .

Adjectival phrases are a group of words that tell us more about the noun .
My teacher is the man with the blue shirt on .
The students of our school are very intelligent .
We learned a lot about biomes from our class textbooks .
The children will be full of energy at the christmas party .
The city is known for its beauty and charm .
The landscape was covered in snow during the winter .
She was excited about the trip to the mountains .
The instructions were difficult to understand .
The vase made of glass is very delicate .


people animals places things

Adjectives describe , , and .

Adjectival phrases are a group of words that tell us more about the noun .
My teacher is the man with the blue shirt on .
The students of our school are very intelligent .
We learned a lot about biomes from our class textbooks .
The children will be full of energy at the christmas party .
The city is known for its beauty and charm .
The landscape was covered in snow during the winter .
She was excited about the trip to the mountains .
The instructions were difficult to understand .
The vase made of glass is very delicate .
He is an incredibly talented musician .
The room was filled with laughter during the celebration .
After a long week of school , she felt very tired .
The group had so many ideas for the project .

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