14-3 Russia Environment Interaction
GHW.12.1 Analyze global climate change forecasts for different parts of Earth and the implications of
these changes for humans.
GHW.12.2 Explain the concepts of linear and exponential growth, and apply these concepts to
geographical themes while analyzing the consequences of various human responses.
● Examples: The “doubling time” for the global population and the implications of this doubling in various world regions (1750–present), economic growth curves for various countries, the
implications for resource use and environmental pollution (present).
GHW.12.3 Evaluate the emerging trends toward reducing environmental footprints.
● Examples: renewable energy, carbon neutrality, pollution, plastics reduction, fresh
accessible water.
these changes for humans.
GHW.12.2 Explain the concepts of linear and exponential growth, and apply these concepts to
geographical themes while analyzing the consequences of various human responses.
● Examples: The “doubling time” for the global population and the implications of this doubling in various world regions (1750–present), economic growth curves for various countries, the
implications for resource use and environmental pollution (present).
GHW.12.3 Evaluate the emerging trends toward reducing environmental footprints.
● Examples: renewable energy, carbon neutrality, pollution, plastics reduction, fresh
accessible water.
Âge recommandé: 14 ans
Créé par
Lance Hiles
United States
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