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Prepositions of time and place


Complete the sentences with AT, IN, ON, TO.

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Prepositions of time and placeVersion en ligne

Complete the sentences with AT, IN, ON, TO.

par Lilian Victoria Guillemo

We go school by bus .
Sorry , John isn't here . He's work .
It's a great day . Let's go the beach !
My brother studies economics the University of Chicago .
I go the gym Tuesdays and Thursdays .
My birthday is December 16th .
We live a big apartment .
My father is a doctor ; he works a hospital .
We always get up six a . m .
We have English lessons Mondays and Wednesdays .
Sally has breakfast about eleven a . m .
Sam doesn't go school Sundays .
Karla runs the park the evenings .
My family has a big dinner Christmas .
They go the beach the summer .
My boyfriend and I go the movies the weekend .

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