Relier Pairs IDIOMS 1Version en ligne idioms par Julia Colino Alonso 1 be your one-stop shop 2 once in a blue moon 3 shopper's paradise 4 it's a bit pricey 5 shopping spree 6 shop around 7 a pound shop 8 turn on/up the heat 9 buy a lemon 10 it's a steal 11 on cloud nine 12 come rain or shine 13 fair-weather friend 14 splash out 15 cloud cuckoo land 16 window shopping 17 pay through the nose 18 cloud on the horizon 19 freeze someone out 20 heat is on 21 I can't afford it 22 it's a rip-off 23 it costs an arm and a leg / it cost a fortune 24 break the bank 25 heavens open 26 bolt from the blue 27 it's a bargain 28 bargain hunting If you ... on something, you buy it even though it costs a lot of money. it suddenly starts to rain heavily. means to spend or lose all your money, or to buy something that costs more than you can afford. If you spend time in the shops looking for items to buy at the lowest price, you go ... A problem or difficulty that is predictable, or seems likely to arise in the future If buy something, especially a car, that is defective, unsatisfactory, constantly gives trouble or stops running after a short time you don't have enough money to buy it. If you deliberately isolate someone or prevent them from participating in a social or business activity by treating them unfairly or harshly Your one-stop shop is a location at which you can buy everything you need or want. A shop where goods are sold at a low price means that something is so cheap that it’s almost as if you haven't paid anything for it. is a bit expensive. If you ... on a person or organisation, you put pressure on them in order to obtain what you want. A place where a large selection of items are available for sale When people go ... , they look at things in shop windows, without actually purchasing anything. Something that costs much more than it should means that it happened totally unexpectedly. If you do something ... you do it whatever happens, no matter what the weather or other circumstances may be. it is very expensive indeed. Someone who acts as a friend when times are good, and is not there when you are in trouble, Said when an article is well below the usual price. If something occurs ..., it happens very rarely. you pay an unreasonably high price or an excessive amount of money for something you visit a number of shops selling similar articles in order to compare the prices. you enjoy a lively outing, usually with much spending of money. means that you are under a lot of pressure to get something done, usually within a time limit. A person who is ... is very happy because something wonderful has happened. This expression refers to an imaginary unrealistic place where everything is perfect and impossible things can happen.