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Understanding Autosomal Aneuploidy: Down Syndrome


A comprehensive overview of Down syndrome and its characteristics.

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Understanding Autosomal Aneuploidy: Down SyndromeVersion en ligne

A comprehensive overview of Down syndrome and its characteristics.

par Melissa Pennington

Introduction to Autosomal Aneuploidy

Autosomal aneuploidy refers to the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in the autosomes. Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, is the most recognized form of this condition.


Prevalence of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 800 live births. This statistic highlights its significance as a common genetic condition.


Causes of Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is primarily caused by the trisomy of chromosome 21, which means there are three copies of this chromosome instead of the usual two. This can occur due to:

  • Errors in cell division during meiosis
  • Maternal age, particularly in women over 35

Key Characteristics of Down Syndrome

Individuals with Down syndrome often exhibit a range of physical and cognitive characteristics, including:

  • Intellectual disability
  • Low nasal bridge
  • Epicanthal folds
  • Protruding tongue
  • Low-set ears
  • Poor muscle tone

Intellectual Disability

One of the most significant features of Down syndrome is intellectual disability, which can range from mild to moderate. This affects learning and cognitive development.


Physical Features

Individuals with Down syndrome may present with distinct physical features, such as:

  • Low nasal bridge
  • Epicanthal folds around the eyes
  • Protruding tongue that may rest outside the mouth
  • Low-set ears that are positioned lower than typical

Muscle Tone and Development

Many children with Down syndrome experience poor muscle tone, known as hypotonia, which can affect their physical development and motor skills.


Maternal Age and Risk Factors

The likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome increases with maternal age. Women over the age of 35 are at a higher risk due to age-related factors affecting egg quality and chromosomal division.


Support and Resources

Support for individuals with Down syndrome includes:

  • Early intervention programs
  • Special education services
  • Therapies (speech, occupational, physical)
  • Support groups for families


Understanding Down syndrome is crucial for providing appropriate support and resources. With the right interventions, individuals with Down syndrome can lead fulfilling lives.

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