How
to
get
along
with
your
coworkers
It's
true
that
most
jobs
are
difficult
enough
and
come
with
their
share
of
pressures
,
setbacks
,
and
irritations
.
But
it
can
be
so
much
worse
if
we
cannot
get
along
with
one
or
more
of
our
coworkers
.
When
we
are
put
into
a
relatively
small
space
and
asked
to
work
closely
,
sometimes
side
by
side
with
someone
we
don't
jibe
with
,
it
can
become
very
tedious
,
very
quickly
.
One
of
the
reasons
this
can
be
difficult
is
that
we
all
have
different
personalities
,
likes
and
dislikes
,
and
unique
preferences
.
Some
have
a
strong
personality
and
tend
to
others
by
dismissing
new
ideas
or
being
intimidating
,
often
without
even
realizing
it
.
Or
sometimes
,
some
coworkers
seem
to
become
close
friends
and
create
a
within
the
office
,
making
it
impossible
to
break
through
to
become
a
part
of
the
team
.
Even
if
you
really
enjoy
your
job
,
if
you
are
dealing
with
situations
like
this
,
it
can
severely
impact
your
job
satisfaction
.
However
,
when
we
face
difficulties
,
we
often
get
tunnel
vision
;
that
is
,
our
focus
and
attention
become
centered
only
on
what
we
are
dealing
with
and
ignores
everything
else
.
So
,
while
we
might
think
that
our
coworker's
behavior
is
some
kind
of
personal
you
did
nothing
to
deserve
,
they
may
feel
affronted
as
well
.
Andrew
Selig
,
Sc
.
.
,
a
management
and
organizational
psychologist
who
often
mediates
tense
workplace
relations
says
:
"
Most
of
the
time
,
all
the
protagonists
involved
feel
like
victims
.
"
Many
of
the
conflicts
between
employees
that
are
experienced
in
the
workplace
happen
when
entering
a
new
position
or
job
,
or
having
someone
new
become
part
of
your
department
or
team
.
No
one
likes
change
,
especially
when
it
affects
the
way
things
have
been
for
a
long
time
.
But
for
someone
new
to
a
position
,
the
tendency
is
to
be
a
-
,
to
hit
the
ground
running
.
But
this
isn't
always
the
best
approach
.
"
Coming
into
a
new
organization
is
like
a
step
-
parent
coming
into
a
family
.
Come
in
slow
.
Don't
start
parenting
right
away
.
We
have
to
earn
trust
so
people
value
what
we
have
to
say
,
"
Selig
says
.
As
with
most
conflicts
in
the
workplace
,
misunderstandings
,
miscommunication
,
and
misinformation
are
a
major
problem
.
If
specific
roles
,
for
example
,
are
not
well
defined
,
your
coworker
might
feel
like
you
are
,
even
though
you
might
feel
like
you
are
just
doing
your
job
.
On
occasion
,
it
is
worthwhile
to
examine
how
your
interaction
with
your
coworkers
compares
with
how
they
react
with
each
other
.
This
will
help
you
identify
if
there
are
any
changes
you
need
to
make
in
how
you
share
ideas
and
resolve
conflicts
at
work
with
them
.
According
to
Selig
,
it's
worth
the
time
to
observe
others
and
practice
'when
in
Rome'
behavior
,
.
Another
way
to
defeat
tunnel
vision
is
to
ask
a
third
party
their
honest
opinion
.
Do
this
before
you
present
the
problem
to
the
offending
coworker
,
Human
Resources
or
your
boss
!
It
would
be
especially
helpful
if
you
asked
someone
who
gets
along
with
the
.
Hopefully
,
this
will
give
you
fresh
insight
on
the
situation
.
But
if
the
problem
remains
,
it
is
then
advisable
to
approach
your
coworker
about
the
issue
.
?
Resolving
workplace
problems
:
If
you
feel
like
you've
tried
everything
to
resolve
the
issue
and
have
decided
to
speak
with
your
coworker
,
,
or
your
manager
about
the
problem
,
there
are
a
few
things
you
should
keep
in
mind
.
First
,
don't
be
impulsive
or
react
when
you
are
upset
or
frustrated
.
Allow
for
some
time
to
pass
so
you
can
think
about
the
situation
from
several
viewpoints
.
This
will
give
you
time
to
think
about
the
best
way
to
handle
the
situation
,
what
you
will
say
,
and
who
you
should
be
saying
it
to
.
Second
,
avoid
saying
'you'
but
instead
,
try
and
say
'I'
.
This
helps
to
avoid
making
yourself
the
victim
and
your
coworker
the
villain
.
Instead
of
saying
,
"
Why
are
you
all
my
ideas
?
"
You
could
say
,
"
think
may
have
gotten
off
on
the
wrong
foot
.
Is
there
anything
should
be
doing
differently
?
"
Third
,
remember
where
you
are
.
You
aren't
at
home
where
you
might
be
justified
in
taking
personal
offense
and
being
defensive
.
You
are
at
your
place
of
work
where
you
are
required
to
be
professional
in
handling
conflicts
.
Do
your
best
to
remove
emotion
from
the
equation
.
Instead
of
saying
,
"
No
one
is
listening
to
me
.
"
You
could
say
,
"
This
is
what
think
my
job
is
,
and
these
are
the
strategies
I'm
using
to
reach
my
goals
.
Is
that
what
you
and
others
expected
of
me
?
"
Conflict
is
inevitable
.
It
will
happen
from
time
to
time
.
But
how
we
handle
those
conflicts
when
they
arise
,
will
determine
how
much
we
allow
it
to
affect
our
day
to
day
life
and
could
have
either
a
positive
or
negative
impact
on
our
prospects
.