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fill in blanks using the verb


Read the examples and fill in blanks using the verb To Be in present or the corresponding personal pronoun. ( Lea los ejemplos y rellene los espacios en blanco con el verbo To Be in present o el correspondiente pronombre personal. )

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fill in blanks using the verb Version en ligne

Read the examples and fill in blanks using the verb To Be in present or the corresponding personal pronoun. ( Lea los ejemplos y rellene los espacios en blanco con el verbo To Be in present o el correspondiente pronombre personal. )

par Abdelrhman Yasser

he is is I we am are he is is I she are She is

Hello ! My name Ahmed , and I 14 years old . live with my family . We a happy family of five . My father a doctor , and works at the hospital . My mother a teacher , and loves helping her students . have a younger sister and an older brother . eight years old and very friendly , while 17 and a great soccer player . We all very close , and enjoy spending time together .

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