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Present Perfect and Past Simple 1


Shelley and ben are having an argument about money. Read what shelley says and complete the dialogue with ben’ answer from the box next to it

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Present Perfect and Past Simple 1Version en ligne

Shelley and ben are having an argument about money. Read what shelley says and complete the dialogue with ben’ answer from the box next to it

par Centro de Autoacceso Unidad Los Uribe FCA

had Have paid We have you bought had haven arrived just seen we bought I

Shelley . Is that a new camera ?
Ben . Yes . ? ve it
Shelley . What ? s wrong with our old camera ?
Ben . It ? s old .
Shelley . Old ? How long it ? A year ?
Ben . ? ve it for at least three years . Maybe longer .
Shelley . Three years ? I ? m sure we it last year . Look . We can ? t afford a new camera .
Ben . why not ?
Shelley . this ?
Ben . No . What is it ?
Shelley . The gas bill . It this morning . And we ? t the phone bill yet . Take it back to the shop and get your money back .
Ben . I can ? t

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