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Articles 1


Complete the sentences with a / an, the, or x (no article).

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Articles 1Version en ligne

Complete the sentences with a / an, the, or x (no article).

par Centro de Autoacceso Unidad Los Uribe FCA

x x a a the the a the an the an x a x the the the x

1 . Can you give me lift to station ?
I want to catch 6 : 00 train .
2 . We went to cinema last night .
We saw great film .
3 . Do you like sports ? B : It depends .
I hate football . I think footballers earn too much money .
4 . He always wears expensive clothes and drives expensive car .
5 . Jake ? s musician and artist .
6 . They ? ve changed date of meeting .
It ? s next Tuesday now .
7 . We walked to city centre but we got taxi back to hotel .

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