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The Reign of Isabel II


Fill in the gaps to complete the description of the reign of Isabel II

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The Reign of Isabel IIVersion en ligne

Fill in the gaps to complete the description of the reign of Isabel II

par Ms Fernhill

Civil army corruption laws provinces Progressive Guard election

- She had the support of the two liberial parties : Moderate and
. They alternate in power , but there were
and manipulation .
- The had an important role in politics as heads of goverment
and ministers ( Espartero , Narváez , O'Donnel , Prim . . . ) .
Measures :
1 : Division of Spain into 49
2 : Creation of the ( to mantain order in rural areas )
3 : Education ( ley Moyano ) : Public education was established ( primary schools )


Carlist debt middle public land Madoz Mendizábal redestribution Desamortizaciones church

4 : Land expropiations ( ) : method used during the regin of Isabel ll in Spain that consists of taking from the , peasants and
nobles and selling it into the . The objetive was to reduce state
, fund the wars and achieve a of lands that would ensure the creation of a class . The first one was led by Juan Álvarez and the second was led by Pascual .


divide endangered peasants religious common heritage power villages bourgeoisie

Consequences :
- lands were bought by the wealthy , not peasants . , increasing the economic .
- lands belonging to were sold , therefore , could no longer use them .
- instititutions lost their properties , but also their to help the poor and needy . On the other hand , much of the artistic was lost or .

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