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Fill in the Blanks: The Sacrifice of Isma'eel


Complete the text about Prophet Ibraheem's sacrifice of his son Isma'eel.

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Fill in the Blanks: The Sacrifice of Isma'eelVersion en ligne

Complete the text about Prophet Ibraheem's sacrifice of his son Isma'eel.

par fatma fahmy

Allah sacrificing Prophet love dream knife sacrifice vision Mina son truthful Isma'eel dream steadfast Ibraheem Jibreel ram

One night , ( peace be upon him ) had a in which he saw himself his , ( peace be upon him ) . Ibraheem was a prophet , and his dream was a true from . Ibraheem ( peace be upon him ) decided to do what Allah had commanded him in the dream . He asked Isma'eel ( peace be upon him ) , " My son , I saw in a that I must you . What do you think about this ? " To this , Isma'eel ( peace be upon him ) replied , " Do as you are commanded . Insha'Allah , you will find me . "

When Ibraheem ( peace be upon him ) reached , he prepared for the sacrifice of Isma'eel ( peace be upon him ) . Isma'eel lay down on the ground , and Ibraheem ( peace be upon him ) put the to his son's throat . By doing this , Ibraheem showed that his for Allah was greater than his love for anything else , even his son . When Ibraheem ( peace be upon him ) passed this test , Allah sent ( peace be upon him ) with a to sacrifice instead of Isma'eel . Allah was pleased with Ibraheem ( peace be upon him ) , and He commanded Muslims to make a sacrifice in remembrance of this event .

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