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How honest is the average person?


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How honest is the average person?Version en ligne

Listen to the audio and fill in the gaps.

par Martín Emmanuel Vazquez Desilos

355 than return recent wondered cash percentage of employee transparent business different likely dishonest hotels conducted surprisingly encouraged figure asked study guilty increased 40 cash would inside court grocery equivalent $95 wallet researchers none law subjects experiment speculate presence theaters card key currency report

How honest is

If you lost your in a public place , you expect someone to it to you ? Most people that no one would . But a would prove you wrong . In fact , the study found that people are even more to return a wallet with in it a wallet with .

U . S . and Swiss conducted the study in cities across different countries . They placed more than 17 , 000 plastic wallets ( so anyone could see what was of them ) in banks , , museums , post offices , , police stations , and even a . Researchers then ''found'' the wallets and took them to an at each place , saying they had found a wallet and the employee to ''take care of it . ''

Each wallet contained a list , a , and contact information on the ''owner's'' , and the employee could see those items through the transparent plastic . But some wallets also had in them ? approximately US $14 in local ? while others did not . The researchers wanted to see if the of the study would contact the wallet's owner to that they had found it .

While the rates of reporting the wallet to the owner differed in countries , in the majority of countries , , subjects were more likely to reach out to the owner if the wallet had money in it than if it did not .

Researchers then what would happen if they the amount of money in the wallet . So they a second in three countries this time . In this experiment they increased the amount of money so the wallet contained the of US , a much larger sum . To their surprise , they found that an even higher of subjects returned the wallet when it contained more money .

It's impossible to know why the of cash people to return the wallets , and why when there was even more cash in the wallets even more people returned them . Some researchers that the subjects of the study knew they would feel if they were and did not return the wallets .

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