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CP FCE - Word Formation I - JT001


Read the sentences and use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap (WORD FORMATION).

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CP FCE - Word Formation I - JT001Version en ligne

Read the sentences and use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap (WORD FORMATION).

par Highlands School

1 Today is a rainy day and also rather windy . PARTICULAR
2 He has a very way of dressing and so is easy to spot in a crowd . CHARACTER
3 The moment the sun behind the clouds , we began to feel cold . APPEAR
4 It took us hours to hang all the for the party around the room . DECORATE
5 Although there a lot of between the twins , you notice the differences the more you
talk to them . SIMILAR
6 How much freedom and do teenagers in your country have ? INDEPENDENT
7 It's the aspects such as tenses that I find the hardest . GRAMMAR
8 Many of the city's are now moving into the new development . INHABIT
9 A new online help site has been created to help of anxiety and stress . SUFFER
10 Who do you think is the most athlete in the world ? IMPRESS
11 When learning grammar , remember there are always to the rule . EXCEPT
12 His latest piece of art has been created from recycled everyday objects . IMAGINE
13 What are the main responsibilities of any ? GOVERN
14 Remember to use a range of linking when writing an essay . EXPRESS
15 Our course tutor explained the aims of the course on our first day . EDUCAT E

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