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Creating a fill in the blank


Instructions on how to create a fill in the blank

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Creating a fill in the blank Version en ligne

Instructions on how to create a fill in the blank

par Mirzambetov Muxit

grammatical Lexicology characteristic smallest unit vocabulary association

Lexicology is the part of linguistics which deals with the and features of words and word - groups .


allomorphs variants ready-made uniT grammatical phonologically functional

Morphemes are divided into two large groups : lexical morphemes and ( ) morphemes .


twentieth Democratic ninetieth Party sixtieth Republicans Party American Party

In the seventieths of the century there was a political scandal in the hotel «Watergate» where the of the USA had its pre - election headquarters .


Simple words Derived words Compound words Compound-derived words

consist of one root morpheme , one or several affixes and an inlexion , e . g . «deristricted» , «unemployed» .


words Compound-derived words Simple words Compound Derived words

consist of two or more root morphemes and an inflexion , e . g . «baby - moons» , «wait - and - see ( policy ) » .


ninetieth nominative binomials twentieth block compounds nominative binomial seventieth

In the English language of the second half of the century there developed so called , that is compound words which have a uniting stress but a split spelling , such as «chat show» , «pinguin suit»


Phonetics Lexicology Discrimination Stylistics

Grammar , which is inseparably bound up with , is the study of the grammatical structure of language .


usage derivation development culture Lexicology recognition origins semantic identity syntax polysemy words evolve change formation meaning cognitive compounding contexts relationships structure communication synonymy linguistics

is the branch of that studies the , , and of . It encompasses various aspects of words , including their , their with other words , and their in different . Lexicologists analyze how words over time , how they are formed through processes like and , and how they function within the of a language . This field also examines the properties of words , such as ( multiple meanings ) and ( similar meanings ) . Lexicology is essential for understanding language , language , and the processes involved in word and usage . By studying lexicology , researchers can gain insights into language as a whole and its role in , , and . Overall , lexicology provides a comprehensive framework for exploring the complexities of words and their significance in human language .

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