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Complete the gaps with the vocabulary

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Complete the gaps with the vocabulary

Lucas Avila

Location Callback Number Prioritize Instructions Pre Arrival Coordinate Responders CAD

Richard : Hello 911 , what´s your emergency ?
Sophie : Emm . . . Hi , there is a fire in my neighbour´s house
Richard : Roger , can you give your ?
Sophie : Oh yes sorry , San Martin Avenue 25 - 80
Richard : Alright . . . Excuse me can you tell me your name ?
Sophie : Sophie
Richard : Okay Sophie , I am contacting the firefighters station and an ambulance . As soon as I with the nearest I will immediately send them , okay ?
Sophie : Alright
Richard : Fine . Now , Sophie can you describe me the house , is it big or small ?
Sophie ; Kind of big , is a two story house
Elliot : Shall we look for a of the house ?
Richard : No , that´s gonna take too much time
Richard : Okay , Sophie do you know if there is someone inside ?
Sophie : I don´t know , I thinks there lives an elder couple and they have pets
Richard : Alright , Sophie I am going to give some - just in case okay ?
Sophie : Okay
Richard : Very well , Sophie if you see that you could provide some assistance go ahead . However , if there is some sort of danger please step back , remember always to your safety . Is that clear ?
Sophie : Yes sir .
. . .
Richard : Okay , Sophie , the firefighters are on their way . Last thing I will need is a in case we lose contact .
Sophies : Oh yes . Emm 155639771
Richard : Thank you Sophie . Keep calm and take care please .