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My friends


fill in the gaps

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My friendsVersion en ligne

fill in the gaps

par Елена Awramenko

impolite Andrew name sees you have very sometimes without family my advice appreciate

My is David and I ? m happy to have many friends . I believe that life is meaningless them ,
because sometimes need a friend to pour your heart out . Of course , you feel safe and protected in the ,
but often I ? d like to a piece of from someone who life through my eyes and this is
best friend . He supports me in all situations , no matter if I ? m wrong . But then later he ? ll tell
me to my face whether I was or unfair . He has never been insincere . I that .


trendy bully dancing fun betray They unpopular everything computer talk bake disrespectful

My best friend Ann calls me ? a shoulder to cry on ? .
She always tells me secrets and I never turn a deaf ear
to her . My pieces of advice are never discouraging or
. And vice versa . I do my best to help her
out .
Very often friends are to me . It ? s cool
always doing stuff like at parties , hanging
at the club or just talking . say I ? m a
good mixer because I have many friends . Very often I
a cake and invite them to my place to about
life , listen to music or watch a new film . Sometimes we
argue , but they never me .
Life is cool with them .
They say it ? s neat to have friends . Unfortunately , I ? m
with my classmates because I don ? t have
clothes and don ? t hang at parties or concerts . I
think friends can you or make fun of you .

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