Worthwhile
expenses
for
startup
businesses
So
,
you
have
finally
initiated
the
process
of
starting
up
your
dream
business
.
As
the
paperwork
comes
together
and
bills
start
to
roll
in
,
you
start
to
panic
.
It's
time
to
.
No
,
not
'bail'
?
this
is
your
dream
after
all
.
But
it's
essential
to
plan
early
for
expenses
which
are
worthwhile
.
Although
it
is
far
more
fun
to
spend
$1
,
on
an
ergonomic
white
leather
office
chair
that
feels
like
a
cloud
,
you
cannot
overlook
investments
in
the
areas
of
Brand
,
Advice
,
Loyalty
and
Expertise
.
You
have
to
pay
for
.
?
Brand
:
We
would
all
like
to
think
that
the
quality
and
of
our
product
or
service
would
simply
speak
for
itself
and
all
the
consumers
in
the
world
would
want
it
,
but
in
reality
,
you
need
to
make
them
see
you
.
Think
about
waiting
in
an
airport
and
looking
out
the
window
at
the
walkway
leading
out
to
the
plane
.
There
is
a
giant
banner
with
the
name
of
a
bank
.
You
only
casually
look
at
the
sign
,
but
in
your
brain
that
is
one
more
connection
you
are
unconsciously
making
with
that
bank
,
resulting
in
the
next
time
you
need
a
bank
transaction
,
you
will
recognize
it
on
your
list
of
options
.
And
in
our
advertisement
driven
market
,
we
often
associate
recognition
with
quality
,
whether
there
is
real
reason
to
do
so
or
not
.
Consumers
need
to
get
familiar
with
your
name
and
logo
.
Give
out
free
shirts
,
pens
,
cell
phone
accessories
.
However
,
think
back
to
the
airport
again
.
Look
around
you
.
Most
people's
eyes
are
not
looking
out
that
window
,
they
are
looking
down
at
their
phones
.
Social
media
is
today's
method
of
building
an
audience
.
Don't
write
it
off
simply
because
you
don't
know
how
to
utilize
it
.
Investing
in
a
management
platform
may
seem
,
but
consider
how
much
more
focused
your
brand
presence
can
be
.
Your
ads
are
targeted
,
and
often
more
engaging
than
simple
banners
or
even
commercials
.
?
Advice
:
In
order
to
direct
your
branding
,
you
need
to
know
your
market
.
Will
your
product
or
service
with
your
target
market
?
You
may
be
surprised
at
where
the
demand
actually
is
,
so
avoid
wasting
time
,
energy
,
and
resources
trying
to
push
a
product
in
the
wrong
direction
.
One
survey
found
that
percent
of
failed
startups
their
failure
to
a
lack
of
need
for
their
product
.
Also
avoid
being
in
moving
forward
without
legal
or
financial
guidance
.
It
will
save
you
a
fortune
if
a
mistake
is
made
or
a
step
is
overlooked
down
the
road
.
Pay
what
you
need
to
secure
good
advice
.
?
Loyalty
:
Happy
customers
come
back
.
Happy
employees
stay
.
You
need
the
loyalty
of
both
.
So
treat
them
well
.
Spend
extra
to
provide
customer
service
that
excels
?
this
will
forward
your
word
of
mouth
branding
and
recognition
.
For
your
employees
,
spend
extra
to
provide
free
coffee
,
an
extra
day
off
,
bonuses
.
Be
a
good
boss
?
work
with
them
,
not
over
them
.
They
represent
your
company
,
give
them
reasons
to
be
excited
about
it
.
?
Expertise
:
You've
occasionally
done
your
own
taxes
in
the
past
.
You
have
set
up
a
Facebook
page
.
You
fancy
yourself
pretty
good
with
a
computer
.
However
,
you
are
probably
an
expert
in
the
area
of
whatever
you
are
actually
trying
to
sell
,
but
probably
not
in
the
accounting
or
tech
departments
.
Don't
anger
Uncle
.
It
can
be
confusing
to
identify
valid
tax
deductions
.
Getting
caught
up
in
the
confusion
of
the
ins
and
outs
of
this
can
either
send
up
red
flags
or
result
in
throwing
away
money
you
could
have
claimed
.
Just
get
a
good
accountant
.
You'll
thank
them
the
first
time
the
calls
with
a
question
.
You
probably
can
handle
your
own
tech
support
.
But
do
you
really
have
the
time
?
Focus
on
your
business
and
outsource
at
least
some
of
your
company's
technological
needs
.
When
you
are
talking
to
potential
investors
,
customers
,
or
employees
for
that
matter
,
you
don't
need
last
week's
overdue
server
maintenance
nagging
at
the
back
of
your
mind
.
Maybe
you
can
build
a
website
,
but
again
,
let
a
pro
do
it
and
have
an
exceptional
website
.
You
do
your
thing
and
let
them
do
theirs
!
Your
startup
is
going
to
cost
you
money
.
Probably
more
than
you
hoped
.
Just
make
sure
money
is
in
the
right
places
.
By
investing
in
smart
areas
early
on
,
you
will
the
long
-
term
benefits
that
you
knew
your
company
could
offer
.
Remember
,
it's
great
to
dream
,
just
don't
forget
to
plan
along
with
it
.
Spending
money
on
the
pretty
office
chair
will
come
later
.
.
.
after
you
.
Let's
check
what
you
can
remember
!