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Hampton Court Palace


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Hampton Court PalaceVersion en ligne

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par Paula Sosa Escalante

usually ghost visit walks queens second rooms light mother There doesn't kitchen are third a

People say that a great place to see ghosts is Hampton Court Palace in London . The palace is more than 500 years old , and it's famous as the home of some of the kings and of England in the past . It's a very large building - there are 1300 ! There's a for cooking food for 800 people , and a big dining room called the Great Hall . are more than a hundred bedrooms .
Nobody lives in the palace today , but about three million people it each year . Many of them want to see a . People say there three ghosts from the time of King Henry VIII . The first is Jane Seymour , Henry's third and favourite wife , and of his only son , Edward . People say Jane sometimes through the palace with a .
The ghost is Catherine Howard , Henry's fifth wife , but she loves another man . Visitors often hear Catherine crying because she want to die .
The ghost at Hampton Court is Sybil Penn - or The Grey Lady - nurse to the King's son . Visitors see her sitting alone in room doing her work .

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