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Global 8: Role Models


Global 8: Role Models

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Global 8: Role ModelsVersion en ligne

Global 8: Role Models

par Tharwat A

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A role is a person who serves as an by others . For many children , the most important role models are their parents and caregivers . Children a variety of role models to help shape how they behave in school , relationships , or when making difficult decisions .


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Children also look up to other relatives , teachers , coaches , and . Children may try to copy the behavior and appearance of , such as athletes and entertainers , and characters from books , TV , movies , or video games . Some parents may want to help their children choose role models . Here are some helpful suggestions for discussing role models with your child and for as a positive role model yourself :
1 . Give examples of people in your community who you feel have positive qualities and are a good on others
2 . Talk about people you look up to for and inspiration


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role models , however , may also influence children . Sometimes public figures can make poor personal choices . Young children may assume that the behaviors of negative role models are typical , safe , and acceptable . Parents and caregivers can intervene by emphasizing that role models who embrace inappropriate behavior , such as , are not acceptable .

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