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Warwick the Kingmaker Fill in the Blanks


Test your knowledge about Warwick the Kingmaker and the Wars of the Roses in this historical Fill in the Blanks game!

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Warwick the Kingmaker Fill in the BlanksVersion en ligne

Test your knowledge about Warwick the Kingmaker and the Wars of the Roses in this historical Fill in the Blanks game!

par Pete T

Warwick power English nobleman conflict betrayals ambition medieval England Kingmaker alliances succession country Wars of the Roses civil wars monarchy

the was an influential and military commander during the , a series of fought in . He played a key role in the , switching sides multiple times and helping to shape the course of history . Warwick's and earned him the nickname 'the Kingmaker' , as he was able to influence the to the English throne . His and were instrumental in determining the outcome of the wars , and his actions had a lasting impact on the and the .

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