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Matilda Chapter 5


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Matilda Chapter 5

Summary Fill in the Blanks

heyme you

parents prices punished changed pranks pencil amounts Michael money revenge five paper sold improves

Matilda wants her to be good , loving , smart , and understanding . Her parents ? behavior after Matilda has them with , but overall , they have not . Matilda ? s only relief is in planning out her next . Matilda ? s father comes home from work bragging about how much he made . He tells Matilda ? s brother , , to get a and . He then lists the he paid for different cars and the that he them for that day .


checks ignore father looked cheat protests accuses liar Michael angry total profit

He asks to work out the total that he made . While Michael is working , Matilda tells her father the profit . Her father tries to her , but she insists . He the total on a slip of paper in his pocket and is immediately . He her of having already at the paper in his pocket . Matilda , saying that she could not have seen the paper . Her tells her that she is a and a .


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