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Keeping Fit



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par Tomy Lee Valencia Rivera

relaxed brain find both happier day world spend fit us computer all good of

A lot us spend most of our working day sitting at the . If you add this to the seven hours we sleeping , we could easily that we spend nearly two thirds of our day without moving at . We all know that exercise is for the body and the . Even a short amount of exercise every can help to feel and more . So , how does the world keep ? We've looked at some of the latest exercise trends from around the .


office It's York should bottom skycrapers can good run stairs top ever how do place

Have you worked in an block and wondered you get fit ? Perhaps you try Towerrunning . a sport you can do in the of almost any big city , but Asian cities can be particularly . All you need to is start at the of an office tower , and up all the until you get to the . Towerruning has become popular all around the world with important races taking in some of the world's tallest towers , like Taipei 101 , the Empire State Building in New , and the China World Trade Center , Beijing .


Zumba speed learn anger like classes be USA to between

If you enjoy dance like , but you also want get rid of you , then PILOXING might for you . PILOXING started in the , but has travelled quickly to countries the UK . The sport is a mixture boxing , pilates and dance . PILOXING uses the power and of boxing , whilst building your muscles and strength with pilates . All of this happens to non - stop loud music and you some great dance moves too .


sunset comes ocean strong water easy better forget long sport However

When it to the end of a day , what could be than a paddle board on the ? it might look , but paddle boarding is a tough . You need to be to keep your balance . , if you bring your board down to the water at " golden hour " just before , the is calm and the ocean will make you all your problems .

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