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climate hoaxVersion en ligne

climate hoax

par marco rabadan

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Cities fighting rising sea levels

What is being done to guard cities against rising sea levels ?

Some well known politicians have described global warming as a . However , most experts agree that the world's climate is changing . They also think that human activities play a great part in the change . In some cities in the U . S . and elsewhere , they are putting plans into action . These plans , they hope , will protect them against one of the effects of climate change : rising sea levels .

Many people can imagine what will happen to small islands due to rising sea levels . Indeed , the impact on small island communities like the Solomon Islands will be terrible . However , in money terms , the greatest effect will be on cities like New York , Guangzhou , and greatest of all , Miami . In fact , the whole length of south Florida is facing a real problem .

So , what can be done ? Is the answer to build a huge sea wall like the one in Holland for example ? Too simple , says William Sweet , an expert at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . Much of south Florida's infrastructure , like drains and wells , was put in a hundred years ago . The results of the changes will be clear long before the water reaches the buildings .

Some work is already in hand . 105 miles of roads in Miami beach are being raised , one new shopping mall has been built with , and 116 new valves were put in Fort Lauderdale . However , this work is not going to be enough to save some communities . In the end , a decision will need to be made and some areas will be found no longer .

South Florida is one of the richest areas on the planet . People might reasonably say that the problem of sea level rise must be solved there . If not , then there will be major truths for the rest of the world to face . In many places there could be a battle . Home owners want their homes to be protected and push for sea walls . City authorities , knowing the huge costs involved , are careful about starting schemes they might not have the money to finish . Others want natural areas and wildlife to be saved . They view coastal as a natural thing . As a result , they don't want sea walls arguing people are at fault because they should not have built so close to the sea in the first place .

In different parts of the world , we can see different . In New York , work has started on a new wall which will raise the level of the East River bank by 10 feet ( 3m ) . In Australia , property protection has been given too . Here though , new materials are being tested to lessen the effect on the area . In other places , different are being tried , which may include building on poles or having buildings that float .

Whatever the method , it is clear that many areas close to the sea are going to need to take action very soon . There are already signs that sea levels are rising and the ice in the areas means that this is set to continue .

Let's check what you remember !

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