WorldSkills L4-Activity 1c2Version en ligne Practise the dialogue. par BECCA TANG Taylor I am a visual merchandiser. My focus will be on sustainable practices. In the competition, it is mandatory for us to execute our displays in a way that could maximize sales. I'll present visually appealing arrangements that incorporate eco-friendly materials and designs. By implementing creative solutions, I aim to configure captivating displays that captivate the audience and effectively communicate the brand message. With a focus on sustainability, I'll present visually appealing merchandise with an economic and environmentally friendly approach. Sam Thank you for your sharing. For me, I am competing in digital construction. My focus lies in creating custom solutions utilizing specific parameters. I'll work on implementing digital tools and techniques to optimize construction processes. It is essential to avoid duplicating efforts and maximize efficiency. By exploring and explaining various digital construction methods, I aim to modify traditional practices and embrace innovation. My goal is to present an effective and streamlined approach to digital construction, taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies and customized solutions.