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vocabulary verbs + preposition


To complete information with the new verbs and prepositions

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vocabulary verbs + prepositionVersion en ligne

To complete information with the new verbs and prepositions

par Lucila Carrillo

around for about about back away to for

1 . I sometimes think doing a different job .
2 . I really enjoy traveling , but I wouldn't move another country to live in .
3 . I want to give up my job and go to studying .
4 . I need to speak English for my job . I dream becoming a famous journalist .
5 . I should wait a raise , before I buy a new car .
6 . I would love to travel different countries .
7 . Things have been so busy , I just need to get for a few days and relax .
8 . Can you help me look my bag ? I can't find it anywhere .

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