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Met gala


Vocabulary review based on the article by Vogue

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Vocabulary review based on the article by Vogue

par Solomia Zanevych

showstopper to fizz honorary invitees fluffer anticipated sumptuous gobsmacked plus one fawning homage replicate fundraiser steals off aka editor-in-chief

I was over that dress Jane wore at the gala last night !
I know , it was a look for sure !

The charity was highly , and it did not disappoint .
Yes , the event was dedicated raising money for a good cause .

Did you see the at the event last night ?
Yes , he was there with all the other .

I heard the party theme was in to the 1920s .
That's right , everyone dressed in flapper outfits .

She always the night with her stunning outfits .
Yes , she knows how to those classic looks .

I saw the at the event , making sure everything was perfect .
Yes , they always make sure everything looks just right .

The event was in homage to the famous designer , the " Queen of Fashion " .
Yes , it was an tribute to her iconic designs .

Are you bringing a to the party ?
No , I think I'll hold and just go solo this time .

The event had plenty of with all the champagne flowing .
Yes , everyone was by the selection of drinks available .

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