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Degrees of comparison


An exercise to practise the comparative.
Don't write 2 words in 1 box!

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Âge recommandé: 13 ans
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Degrees of comparisonVersion en ligne

An exercise to practise the comparative. Don't write 2 words in 1 box!

par lilly dc

My nose is quite big . . . You could say my nose is ( big ) my thumb .

I like being at home . . . It is much ( comfortable ) being at school !

My cousin knows how to make a joke ! He is a lot ( funny ) I am .

Fries are a lot ( tasty ) boiled potatoes .

" Hey ! My piece of cake is a lot ( small ) his ! That's not fair ! "

My big brother is a lot to me ( nice ) he was a year ago .

Lucky Luke can shoot ( fast ) his shadow !

I like this TV - show . But it is not ( good ) Avatar The Last Airbender !

" My grades are even ( bad ) last period ! "

It is a lot in Spain ( hot ) in Belgium .

An iPhone is usually a lot ( expensive ) a Samung phone .

Fortnite is ( popular ) Fifa .

Alex Agnew's compilation show was called " ( large ) Life " .

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