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The Lamb who Came for Dinner 2


The story

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writing storytelling Âge recommandé: 9 ans
43 fois fait

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    ioanna ziaka
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The Lamb who Came for Dinner 2

The story

ioanna ziaka

fireplace wish shivering funny sniggers tummy hugged hates recipe time pats fast thaw knock snuggles works paw stuffing frozen moaning cure gobbles hiccups hiccups

A wolf is preparing his dinner . He's : " I I had a little lamb " , he says . " Then , I could make a hotpot " .
Suddenly there's a at the door . It's a little lamb who is from cold . The wolf as he tells the lamb that she's just in for dinner .
The lamb is and as the wolf frozen food , he puts her next to the to her out while he is looking up for a for lamb hotpot .
The lamb is so hungry that her is rumbling . So the wolf gives her a carrot to eat . He says it's for his dinner .
But the lamb down the carrot so quickly that she gets and the wolf doesn't know how to that . He tries many things : throwing her up , holding her upside down , twirling her in the air . Nothing .
Finally , the wolf puts the lamb over his shoulder and her back with his . The stop ! The lamb under the wolf's chin and falls asleep . The wolf feels . He'd never been by his dinner before !