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L26 p8



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L26 p8


Tea Cher

Competition equipment afford repainting Rent business brand location customers location grows suppliers finances Transportation

1 . Decide what your requires . Many businesses will choose a that gives them exposure to . Depending on your type of business this may not be a factor , but some of the following might be : ? ? Are your neighboring businesses competitors or complimentary ? ? Proximity ? To your and customer base . ? Image ? Is the area consistent with the image of your ? ? Growth ? Think about whether you ? ll need extra space in the future if your business . 2 . Be sure of your Decide early how much money you can to allocate for the move , remembering to include : ? ? How much can you afford to pay on your current level of trade over the rental term ? ? ? What ? s the cost of moving business to your new premises ? ? Redecoration ? Will the new need or remodeling ?