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Matter and flotation. Fill in


Matter and flotation. Fill in

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Âge recommandé: 11 ans
7 fois fait

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Matter and flotation. Fill inVersion en ligne

Matter and flotation. Fill in

par Miguel Angel Preciado Lopez

liquid insulator sink float density forces soluble matter upward mineral Gravity

a . Pure substances only consist of one type of .
b . in space is almost zero .
c . Talc is the softest .
d . Oil is not in water .
e . Paper is a good heat .
f . Buoyancy is an force .
g . Every substance that enters liquid experiences two opposing .
h . For an object to float , its density has to be lower than the density the it is in .
i . If an object has greater than the liquid it is in , it will .
j . If an object is less dense that the liquid it is in , it will .

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