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Fishing with Grandpa



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Fishing with Grandpa


Tea Cher

lake boat water big Grandpa worms wait Grandma fish fishing boat poles eat

My grandpa loves to fish . I love to , too . Grandpa and I go together . I get the fishing poles . Grandpa gets the worms . Grandpa and I get the and the . We get into a . We go out onto the big . We go out onto the big lake to fish . I get my fishing pole ready . gets his fishing pole ready . We get our fishing poles ready to fish . Grandpa puts a worm on my hook . Grandpa puts a worm on his hook . The worms are on the hooks . We toss the worms and hooks into the . We toss the worms and hooks into the water . We wait for the fish to bite . We and wait for the fish to bite . A fish bites my hook . A big fish bites my hook , and I pull it in . I pull the big fish into the . We take the big fish home . Grandpa cleans the big fish . cooks the big fish . We all the big fish .