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B1 - Oral Exchanges - Expressing Options


Fill in the gaps to create sentences

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B1 - Oral Exchanges - Expressing OptionsVersion en ligne

Fill in the gaps to create sentences

par Richard Davenport

decision could on delegate alternative approach want considering wouldn't forget

1 . Describing Alternatives :
" We also postpone the until the next meeting . "
" As an , we might to focus marketing the existing product line . "
" Another could be to this task to a smaller working group . "
" It's also worth offering a discount to incentivize early sales . " " We want to the option of hiring a freelance consultant for this project . "


advantage offers weigh depends Ultimately seems while Compared drawback

2 . Comparing Different Possibilities :
" Option A more reliable , option B seems faster . "
" to option A , option B a wider range of features . "
" The of option A is that it's more cost - effective , but the could be longer production time . "
" It's important to the pros and cons of both options before making a decision . "
" , the best choice on our budget and timeline . "


potential might thoughts understand also suggestion appreciate forward take discuss potential assign

3 . Managing Suggestions and Proposals :
" That's an interesting . What are your on the feasibility of this approach ? "
" I your proposal to expand our marketing reach . Perhaps we could explore collaborating with other businesses in the industry . "
" Before we move with this proposal , it be helpful to clarify the budget allocation for this project ? "
" I your concern about the delays with this approach , but what if we additional resources to expedite the process ? "
" Let's some time to this further . Does anyone have any additional thoughts or issues we should consider ? "

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