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IGCSE Bio Respiration and Ventilation


Differences between respiration and breathing

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IGCSE Bio Respiration and VentilationVersion en ligne

Differences between respiration and breathing

par Tharwat A

less quickly cramp enough builds oxygen debt breathe vigorous reacts up deeply lactic

During exercise your body cells may not have for aerobic respiration to take place and anaerobic respiration occurs instead .

The equation for this is :

glucose ? acid

Anaerobic respiration releases energy than aerobic respiration but it does this more . The product of this reaction is lactic acid . This in muscles causing pain and tiredness , which can lead to .

After you finish vigorous exercise you continue to and quickly for a short period . This is called excess post - exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC . It used to be called ? oxygen . ? During this time the lactic acid with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water , and releases the rest of the energy originally in the glucose .


evaporated dioxide carbon rise trapped yeast alcohol

Some bacteria and fungi such as complete their own version of anaerobic respiration called fermentation . This is the equation :

glucose ? ethanol +

Yeast undergoes fermentation when bread and beer is made . Ethanol is the produced . This is away when bread is baked . Carbon dioxide gas in bread makes it and gives beer its bubbles .


intercostal ribs removed downwards volume outwards pressure inwards out relaxes diaphragm contracts ventilation reduces relax reduces

The process of breathing is called . Breathing in is called inhaling , and breathing out is exhaling .

When you inhale , your muscle and moves , and the muscles contract and move the upwards and . This increases the of the lungs , which the inside and so air moves into the lungs to equalise it . Air that is rich in oxygen moves into the gas exchange system and then the body when you breathe in .

When you exhale , our diaphragm muscle and moves upwards , and the intercostal muscles and move downwards and . This the volume of the lungs , which forces air outwards . Air with more carbon dioxide is then when you breathe .

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