Relier Pairs Med Surg II Exam 3 review: Endo/DiabetesVersion en ligne Test your knowledge on endocrinology and diabetes with this fun matching pairs game! par Kayla Meyers 1 Polydipsia 2 Risk factors for type 1 diabetes are 3 Nursing intervention for hypoglycemia 4 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates: 5 Insulin 6 Stress/illness can cause this condition 7 Slow, progressive onset 8 Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates: 9 Glucagon 10 Type 1 Diabetes 11 Acute onset 12 Tx for type 1 diabetes 13 Insulin pumps use this kind of insulin 14 Polyphagia 15 This is known as the "master gland" 16 Polyuria 17 Impaired nutrition, Risk for infection/injury, and risk for impaired skin integrity are known as 18 This describes how quickly a food can elevate blood glucose 19 Hot & Dry = 20 This location in the body is where you will find the Islets of Langerhans 21 Sudden weight loss, N/V, Fruity breath (DKA), and abdominal pain (DKA) are s/s of this 22 Ketones are an indication of this 23 Cold & Clammy = 24 HbA1c 25 Risk factors for type 2 diabetes are 26 Tx for type 2 diabetes 27 Hypoglycemia 28 Hyperglycemia 29 The nurse will educate the pt about this when blood glucose is above 250 or ketones are present 30 Type 2 Diabetes Need some candy - blood sugar is LOW Adrenal cortex to produce Cortisol Glycemic Index Pituitary gland Excessive urination due to high blood sugar levels Dietary changes, Exercise, Oral hypoglycemics, and in some cases-insulin Thyroid to produce T3 & T4 Low blood sugar condition Excessive thirst due to high blood sugar levels Hormone that raises blood sugar levels Do not exercise Insulin Fast acting (Novolog or Humalog) Nursing Diagnosis related to Diabetes Hyperglycemia Glycated hemoglobin used to monitor long-term glucose control Autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells Insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency Give pt a 15 gram fast-acting concentrated carbohydrate Pt does not have enough insulin Hormone that regulates blood sugar levels Signs/symptoms of type 1 diabetes Obesity, age, HTN, Hyperlipidemia, and gestational diabetes Type 1 Diabetes High blood sugar condition Excessive hunger due to high blood sugar levels Type 2 Diabetes Genetic disposition, & viral infection Pancreas Blood sugar is HIGH 1 Pale skin, decreased BP, Syncope, and increased HR are signs of 2 Antidiuretic hormone/ADH (Vasopressin) is released if this occurs 3 This med is used for tx during Thyroid storm associated with Grave's disease 4 Low T3, T4 (hypothyroidism) is related to this disease 5 Increase fluid intake & Low Na diet are appropriate nursing interventions for this condition 6 Low cortisol is a sign of this 7 Nursing interventions for Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos) include 8 Complications of HYPOparathyroidism include 9 This medication is used for tx of Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) 10 Water restriction & Hypertonic solution IV with Lasix are appropriate nursing interventions for this condition 11 High antidiuretic hormone (ADH) = 12 Complications of HYPERparathyroidism include 13 This hormone is released by the adrenal cortex and is responsible for stress (cortisol) 14 The thyroid secretes this if serum calcium is high to cause the calcium to deposit into the bone 15 Nursing interventions for Hyperthyroidism (Grave's) include 16 Low antidiuretic hormone (ADH) = 17 This medication is used for tx of Diabetes Insipidus (DI) 18 High cortisol is a sign of this 19 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulates this organ to do what 20 High T3, T4 (hyperthyroidism) is related to this disease Osteoporosis, Kidney stones, HTN, & Dysrhythmias Bronchospasms, & Dysrhythmias Cushing's syndrome Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) Addison disease Cool environment, High calorie & Low Na diet, Protect eyes (provide gtts for moisture), and reduce activity Diabetes Insipidus Dimethylchlorotetracycline Condition: DI Kidneys to hold onto water Addisonian crisis Grave's Desmopressin Hashimoto's Warm environment, Low calorie fluids/high fiber, Alcohol-free soaps and lotions, and monitor for increased effects of anticoagulants & digoxin Condition: SIADH Beta blocker Serum osmolality is high, or volume (BP) is low Steroid Calcitonin