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At the doctor


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At the doctorVersion en ligne

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par Елена Awramenko

tablets prescribe examine chemist's good sore temperature important recommend headache should doctor Health

Is there anything more than health ? I don't think so . " is the greatest wealth , " wise people say . You can't be at your studies or work well when you are ill .
If you have a , heartache , toothache , backache , earache or bad pain in the stomach , if you complain of a throat or a bad cough , if you run a high and have a bad cold in your head , or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure , I think you consult a . The doctor will your throat , feel your pulse , test your blood pressure , take your temperature , sound your heart and lungs , test your eyes , check your teeth or have your chest X - rayed .
After that he will some treatment , pills , or some other medicine which we can buy at the . He will you to stay in bed for some time , because there might be serious complications . The only thing you have to do is to follow his recommendations .


antibiotics Anything prescription Yes fine Sorry have Hello expensive syrup please

Chemist : , can I help ?

Customer : , my wife sent me here . I , erm , need something for a sore throat ? and I can't stop coughing . It really hurts .

Chemist : Do you a headache too ?

Customer : Not really , no .

Chemist : Well , we have this . And these lozenges .

Customer : Which is better ?

Chemist : They're both good . The syrup is more .

Customer : Oh , well ? I'll take the lozenges , then . How many do I take ?

Chemist : Just one .

Customer : , I'm sorry . Er , how often should I take it ?

Chemist : Just one every four to six hours . Take it before mealtimes . Are you allergic to any medicine ?

Customer : No .

Chemist : Then you'll be with this .

Customer : Can I get some too ?

Chemist : I'm afraid you need a for that .

Customer : Ah .

Chemist : You know , you should really see a doctor if that cough continues .

Customer : Thanks . I know .

Chemist : else ?

Customer : No , thanks .

Chemist : That'll be £7 . 49 then , .

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