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PRO - B2C1m2 - Email tips


Listen to the email tips and fill in the gap in the text

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PRO - B2C1m2 - Email tipsVersion en ligne

Listen to the email tips and fill in the gap in the text

par Excelangues Formation

Email communication has a pivotal role in . Today I am going to tell you how you can improve your writing in 5 easy steps .

Firstly : Write A Meaningful subject line
The subject should associate to the main content . When remember to change the subject line if needed .

Secondly : Cue it right
It's important to send the mail to the right . No one wants to receive emails that don't them . Only use the cc and bcc options when needed .

Next , make sure the English is
Always your email to correct grammar and check .

Now a word about formatting
Don't have the entire text in one long paragraph . Also long complex sentences . the content logically and include bullet points , and subheadings for clarity .

Lastly , lets talk about vocabulary
People want to read emails . Therefore , use and English as much as possible . Avoid clichés such as " last but not least " and legalese such as " in to " .

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