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Guy Fawkes Night


Let's try to complete the text with the right words

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Guy Fawkes NightVersion en ligne

Let's try to complete the text with the right words

par Ana María Ruiz Valerio

Protestant blow government passed Parliament practise James 1605 Houses fines church laws James unfairly gunpowder Queen kill barrels Catholics secret

History of the Gunpowder Plot & Guy Fawkes Night

Four hundred years ago , in , a man called Guy Fawkes and a group of plotters attempted to up the of in London with of placed in the basement . They wanted to King and the king's leaders .
Why did Guy Fawkes want to do this ?
When Elizabeth 1st took the throne of England she made some laws against the Roman . Guy Fawkes was one of a small group of Catholics who felt that the was treating Roman Catholics . They hoped that King 1st would change the , but he didn't .
Catholics had to their religion in . There were even for people who didn't attend the on Sunday or on holy days . James lst more laws against the Catholics when he became king .

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