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TCA: Natalie: the cat story


the cat story

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TCA: Natalie: the cat storyVersion en ligne

the cat story

par Natalie Trevino

nobody sausages not all never life picked front for right that early shouldn't

One morning in New York a kitty cat yawned . The kitty cat's name was Emma . Emma was a kitten that was as white and fluffy as a cloud . She had blue eyes that looked as blue and deep as the ocean . Emma had a pink little nose that matched the inside of her little ears . So Emma wakes up and she asks , " what time is it ? " to her brother Jerry , as she wipes her eyes . But , was there to answer . She got scared because her brother was gone , " did he get taken ? she wondered . He did , her brother got taken ! He was taken by an evil kitten that was bigger than all the other cats in the neighborhood , Emma He put up signs for people to look for him tonight his name was on billboards his name was Jerry please find Jerry it said Emma did want to get into trouble but she had to do something Emma's stomach growled she said wow I'm hungry there is a sausage stand right in of her in the sausage man with mean but then there's this sweet lady would always give her milk but in the middle of the day she took the chance she went up to the sausage man and stole all his the man was Furious he took out his spatula and was smacking down the floor but he couldn't hit Emma she was so fast if If I'm going to say my brother I'm going to have to do it I'm going to have to get my friends so Emma went to gather up all her friends to save Jerry her friend's names were Bob , Herald , Benjamin , Charlotte And Isabella Nobody knew where the big bad cats layer was but Harold Harold knew that it had to be next to the sewers because he lived next to the sewers and he always hurt him talking so they rushed over to the streets in the alleyway to to go to the gutter Big Bad Cat knew that they were coming and it was a trap Jerry couldn't say anything he had tape over his mouth Emma said Jerry Jerry I'm going to save you Emma didn't know she was in a trap Emma fell through the floor with all her friends Charlotte said what do we do Benjamin said it's over Bob said it can't be Isabel said I see a way out but only Emma's that small we can't get out and said I'll save you after if I can So Emma snuck out Big Bad Cat was distracted and they got away but then the big fat cats turned back and pulled the lever what did the lever do you ask deliver pulled out Guns above them pointing at them the Big Bad Cat said take one wrong move and you'll die but if you Step good you go free and your friends will go with you but if you don't your friends will be enslaved forever Emma was thinking I should have brought all my friends to do this she was blaming herself Jerry said it's not your fault it's mine I have gone taken They stepped on the green square instead of the red and they won they all get a go free but the mean cats not so nice he did not do what he's said he trapped them back up he did what he said he's a liar Emma said why'd you do this the Big Bad Cat said because I'm not nice and Emma said I'm not a good girl either and then she the locks with Harold's Gadget so they all escaped Emma called the kitty jail and took him away the en d

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