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Outcomes B2_Unit 10_Describing parties


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Outcomes B2_Unit 10_Describing partiesVersion en ligne

Choose the right word for each gap.


to up hand marquee chat into fortune turn lost out

Hey there ! Why don't you me up to get to know me better ?
The club had a fancy outside advertising its name in bright lights .
That was enough fighting , kids . Break it and go over your separate corners .
This party is getting out of with all the rowdy guests .
A car like that costs a small , doesn ? t it ?
The little girl burst tears when she got a puppy for her birthday .
Are you coming with me to up at the party tonight ?
Instead of throwing it away , I'm going to package this food and use it so it doesn't go waste .
My brother always gets invited to parties , but I always feel left and alone .
? Lend us the car , won ? t you ? ? ? Get ! ?

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