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Generation Lockdown


Generation Lockdown

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Generation LockdownVersion en ligne

Generation Lockdown

par Oluwaseun Agunbiade

Alright . So good morning . to today's team building event . Today we're going to be what to do in the event of an .
We're going to bring in a special , she's an expert on this , and she's going to be our team building event .
This is Kayleigh .

Hello . Hi .

If there was an active shooter , you'd all be .

When you out , the shooter can tell you are , and where you're .
Sometimes we the game , Who can stay the , so we all .
You can try and your friends by the tables and chairs the doors .
You also have to put a piece of paper over the door window so they in .
You .
It gives away your and your spot .


And if you're in the , you have to on the toilet , and crunch down , so they can't see your , and they can't see your , so they don't know that you're in there .

That's crazy .

Try to for that can the police . For , if you a lot of bangs , like BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! The shooter be down the .

Or if you hear ones like , BANG ! BANG ! BANG ! He could be your door . If the shooter in the room , won't do .


You have to and .

If you can't , we get the 'Emergency Window Escape Plan' Where you have to a , put clothes over the frame , and through .

Our teacher used to a to make it to :
, , let's all . Lock the and . Crouch on down . Don't a . And don't or you'll be .

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