Man
:
,
did
you
see
the
final
episode
last
night
?
Woman
:
Of
!
As
if
would
miss
that
!
Man
:
And
?
Woman
:
It
was
by
the
best
episode
,
definitely
.
Man
:
Yeah
,
totally
.
The
dragon
at
the
end
and
all
the
special
effects
in
that
final
scene
were
amazing
.
Woman
:
loved
that
part
!
But
still
don't
think
this
series
was
as
good
as
the
others
.
Man
:
Really
?
But
you
said
you
wouldn't
want
to
miss
it
?
Woman
:
know
,
but
?
it's
a
lot
more
predictable
than
it
used
to
be
.
Man
:
But
that's
because
the
story
has
been
told
so
that
all
the
characters
are
reaching
their
destiny
now
.
Woman
:
don't
know
?
before
,
anyone
could
die
at
any
time
so
it
was
exciting
!
But
,
this
series
,
no
key
characters
died
and
we
all
knew
they
wouldn't
.
When
Jaime
fell
in
the
water
after
the
dragon
attacked
him
,
we
knew
he
would
make
it
somehow
.
And
?
oh
,
surprise
,
Bronn
jumps
in
and
saves
him
.
Man
:
They
did
kill
some
characters
in
this
series
,
though
.
What
was
that
one's
name
?
?
Woman
:
Exactly
,
!
You
can't
even
remember
who
died
!
Man
:
Hmm
.
The
only
thing
didn't
like
about
this
series
was
that
it
was
shorter
than
the
others
.
Seven
episodes
instead
of
ten
.
Maybe
they
spent
all
money
on
that
dragon
!
Woman
:
Right
!
don't
understand
why
they
did
it
,
as
all
the
fans
would
happily
watch
ten
episodes
.
Man
:
reckon
that
now
they're
not
using
the
story
in
the
books
any
more
,
they
don't
have
many
ideas
.
Woman
:
That
would
explain
why
they're
not
being
as
brave
with
the
story
too
.
It's
more
like
a
Hollywood
film
than
a
show
now
.
Man
:
So
,
is
Tyrion
still
your
favourite
character
?
Woman
:
You
know
?
surprisingly
,
think
my
favourite
might
be
Cersei
.
Man
:
What
?
!
Woman
:
She's
so
interesting
!
All
the
awful
things
she's
done
and
the
way
she's
just
aiming
for
revenge
,
though
it
won't
make
her
happy
.
She
still
surprises
us
because
we're
expecting
her
to
have
a
happy
ending
where
she
sees
her
mistakes
and
becomes
a
good
person
.
But
she
never
does
,
no
matter
what
it
costs
her
.
She's
unpredictable
because
we
can't
believe
anyone
would
be
like
her
.
Man
:
guess
.
You
don't
have
to
like
a
character
for
them
to
be
your
favourite
!