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Juego de completar espacios en blanco con palabras en inglés

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Juego de completar espacios en blanco con palabras en inglés

par Arlen Zúñiga

species warning picnic natural forest toucans habitats beaches signs tables sloths resources Park

Manuel Antonio has wonderful green and a rich wildlife combined with the most beautiful in Costa Rica . The great variety of vegetation allows this habitat to host many such as , monkeys , iguanas , , and many more . In a nature - guided walk , you can enjoy several trails that will take you through a primary and secondary . You will also enjoy amazing ocean views . On the beach people can have to enjoy with the family , there are some that advise " please , do not feed animals " , it is important to take care of our .


natural sloths Park habitats resources warning picnic beaches species toucans signs forest tables

Manuel Antonio National has wonderful green and a rich wildlife combined with the most beautiful in Costa Rica . The great variety of vegetation allows this habitat to host many such as , monkeys , iguanas , , and many more . In a nature - guided walk , you can enjoy several trails that will take you through a primary and secondary . You will also enjoy amazing ocean views . On the beach people can have to enjoy with the family , there are some that advise " please , do not feed animals " , it is important to take care of our .

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