If
you
are
interested
in
stories
with
happy
endings
,
you
would
be
better
off
reading
some
other
book
.
In
this
book
,
not
only
is
there
no
happy
ending
,
there
is
no
happy
beginning
and
very
few
happy
things
in
the
middle
.
This
is
because
not
very
many
happy
things
happened
in
the
lives
of
the
three
Baudelaire
youngsters
.
Violet
,
Klaus
,
and
Sunny
Baudelaire
were
intelligent
children
,
and
they
were
charming
,
and
resourceful
,
and
had
pleasant
facial
features
,
but
they
were
extremely
unlucky
,
and
most
everything
that
happened
to
them
was
rife
with
misfortune
,
misery
,
and
despair
.
?
m
sorry
to
tell
you
this
,
but
that
is
how
the
story
goes
.
Their
misfortune
began
one
day
at
Briny
Beach
.
The
three
Baudelaire
children
with
their
parents
in
an
enormous
mansion
at
the
heart
of
a
dirty
and
busy
city
,
and
occasionally
their
parents
them
permission
to
take
a
rickety
trolley
-
the
word
"
rickety
,
"
you
probably
know
,
here
means
"
unsteady
"
or
"
likely
to
collapse
"
-
alone
to
the
seashore
,
where
they
would
spend
the
day
as
a
sort
of
vacation
as
long
as
they
home
for
dinner
.
This
particular
morning
it
grey
and
cloudy
,
which
didn
?
t
bother
the
Baudelaire
youngsters
one
bit
.
When
it
hot
and
sunny
,
Briny
Beach
was
crowded
with
tourists
and
it
was
impossible
to
find
a
good
place
to
lay
one
?
s
blanket
.
On
grey
and
cloudy
days
,
the
Baudelaires
had
the
beach
to
themselves
to
do
what
they
.
Violet
Baudelaire
,
the
eldest
,
to
skip
rocks
.
Like
most
fourteen
-
year
-
olds
,
she
right
-
handed
,
so
the
rocks
skipped
farther
across
the
murky
water
when
Violet
her
right
hand
than
when
she
used
her
left
.
As
she
rocks
,
she
was
looking
out
at
the
horizon
and
thinking
about
an
invention
she
to
build
.
Anyone
who
Violet
well
could
tell
she
was
thinking
hard
,
because
her
long
hair
was
tied
up
in
a
ribbon
to
keep
it
out
of
her
eyes
.
Violet
a
real
knack
for
inventing
and
building
strange
devices
,
so
her
brain
was
often
filled
with
images
of
pulleys
,
levers
,
and
gears
,
and
she
never
wanted
to
be
distracted
by
something
as
trivial
as
her
hair
.
This
morning
she
was
thinking
about
how
to
construct
a
device
that
could
retrieve
a
rock
after
you
had
skipped
it
into
the
ocean
.
Klaus
Baudelaire
,
the
middle
child
,
and
the
only
boy
,
to
examine
creatures
in
tide
-
pools
.
Klaus
a
little
older
than
twelve
and
wore
glasses
,
which
him
look
intelligent
.
He
intelligent
.
The
Baudelaire
parents
had
an
enormous
library
in
their
mansion
,
a
room
filled
with
thousands
of
books
on
nearly
every
subject
.
Being
only
twelve
,
Klaus
of
course
had
not
read
all
of
the
books
in
the
Baudelaire
library
,
but
he
had
read
a
great
many
of
them
and
had
retained
a
lot
of
the
information
from
his
readings
.
He
how
to
tell
an
alligator
from
a
crocodile
.
He
who
killed
Julius
Caesar
.
And
he
much
about
the
tiny
,
slimy
animals
found
at
Briny
Beach
,
which
he
was
examining
now
.
Sunny
Baudelaire
,
the
youngest
,
to
bite
things
.
She
an
infant
,
and
very
small
for
her
age
,
scarcely
larger
than
a
boot
.
What
she
in
size
,
however
,
she
up
for
with
the
size
and
sharpness
of
her
four
teeth
.
Sunny
was
at
an
age
where
one
mostly
speaks
in
a
series
of
unintelligible
shrieks
.
Except
when
she
used
the
few
actual
words
in
her
vocabulary
,
like
"
bottle
,
"
"
mommy
,
"
and
"
bite
,
"
most
people
had
trouble
understanding
what
it
was
that
Sunny
was
saying
.
For
instance
,
this
morning
she
was
saying
"
Gack
!
"
over
and
over
,
which
probably
meant
,
"
Look
at
that
mysterious
figure
emerging
from
the
fog
!
"