alphabet soup
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Scroll through the letter grid to find English words related to clothing. The words may be arranged in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and in both directions (left to right and right to left).
When you find a word, select the first letter, and then drag your cursor or use the mouse to highlight the entire word.
Mark each word you find and continue searching for more. You can click on the first letter of a word and drag the cursor to highlight it.
Try to find all the words on the list. You can check off the words as you find them.
Have fun and enjoy this clothing-themed word search in English!
When you find a word, select the first letter, and then drag your cursor or use the mouse to highlight the entire word.
Mark each word you find and continue searching for more. You can click on the first letter of a word and drag the cursor to highlight it.
Try to find all the words on the list. You can check off the words as you find them.
Have fun and enjoy this clothing-themed word search in English!
Téléchargez la version pour jouer sur papier
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